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How Testing for Culture Fit Can Build a Successful Team

Written by Kaitlin Foster | February 22 2024

Hiring the right person for a job involves more than qualifications and experience. It's also about finding someone who fits in with a company’s culture. Culture fit is a key factor in determining whether a new hire will thrive in their new role and contribute to the success of the team, the organization, and even the client. That's why it's important to test for culture fit during the early stages of the interview process.

What is Culture Fit?

Culture fit represents the alignment between a candidate's unique traits and an organization's overarching ethos. It's about forging a harmonious connection, where an individual's values, temperament, and approach to work reflect the core beliefs and atmosphere of the company. This concept extends beyond mere skill set alignment, focusing on synchronizing an individual's essence with the spirit of the organization, thereby fostering a relationship that is mutually enriching and beneficial.

Why Test for Culture Fit?

Testing for culture fit is essential for several reasons:

First, it helps to ensure that new hires will be able to work well with their colleagues. This is important because employees who don't get along with their coworkers are more likely to be unhappy at work and less productive. Testing for culture fit can help to identify candidates who will work well with others and be able to build strong working relationships with their colleagues.

Second, testing for culture fit can help to ensure that new hires fit in with the company's values and goals. This is important because employees who don't share the company's values or goals are less likely to be motivated to work towards the company's success. Testing for culture fit can help to identify candidates who are passionate about the company's mission and will be motivated to work towards its goals.

Third, testing for culture fit can help to ensure that new hires will be a good fit for the company's work environment. Every company has its own unique work environment, with its own set of norms and expectations. Testing for culture fit can help to identify candidates who will be comfortable working in the company's environment and who will be able to thrive in the company's culture.

For an individual to be a culture fit, or to at least be able to adapt to that culture, will not only determine whether they will become a successful hire, but also if they will find fulfillment or purpose in the position they are being interviewed for. Hiring a candidate who is not a culture fit could result in the team member leaving the company soon after joining, which will negatively affect the company's retention rates.

How to Test for Culture Fit 

There are several ways to test for culture fit during the interview process. One way is to ask behavioral interview questions that assess a candidate's values, personality, and work style. For example, you could ask a candidate to describe a time when they had to work with someone who had a different communication style than their own. This can help to assess whether the candidate is adaptable and able to work well with others.

Another way to test for culture fit is to ask the candidate about their interests and hobbies outside of work. This can help to assess whether the candidate's values and interests align with the company's culture. For example, if the company values community involvement and the candidate is involved in volunteer work, this can be a positive sign that the candidate is a good fit for the company.

We test for curious, dynamic, authentic, excellent, and empathetic people by asking targeted interview questions, assessing a candidate's past experiences, and looking for evidence of these qualities in their behavior and communication style. We believe that these qualities are essential for building a strong and successful team, and we strive to hire candidates who embody them.


At Boldr, we value curiosity because it drives innovation and growth. To test for curiosity, we ask candidates questions that help us understand their level of intellectual curiosity, their willingness to learn and try new things, and their ability to think critically and creatively. We also look for evidence of curiosity in a candidate's past experiences, such as their willingness to take on new challenges or pursue opportunities to learn and grow.


We believe that a dynamic team is essential for success in today's fast-paced business environment. To test for dynamism, we look for candidates who are adaptable, flexible, and able to work effectively in a variety of settings. We ask candidates questions that help us understand their ability to handle change, their level of resilience, and their willingness to take on new challenges. We also look for evidence of dynamism in a candidate's past experiences, such as their ability to work on multiple projects simultaneously or their success in fast-paced environments.


We believe that authenticity is important for building trust and strong relationships with clients and colleagues. To test for authenticity, we look for candidates who are genuine, honest, and transparent. We ask candidates questions that help us understand their ability to communicate openly and honestly, their level of self-awareness, and their willingness to admit mistakes and take responsibility for their actions. We also look for evidence of authenticity in a candidate's past experiences, such as their ability to build strong, trusting relationships with clients and colleagues.


At Boldr, we value excellence as it signifies a commitment to achieving high standards and delivering superior performance. To test for excellence, we ask candidates about their achievements and how they strive for continuous improvement in their work. We look for a proactive attitude, a dedication to quality, and a history of surpassing expectations in their previous roles.


We believe that empathy is important for building strong relationships with clients and colleagues and for creating a supportive and inclusive work environment. To test for empathy, we ask candidates questions that help us understand their ability to understand and connect with others, their level of emotional intelligence, and their willingness to listen actively and respond with care and consideration. We also look for evidence of empathy in a candidate's past experiences, such as their ability to collaborate effectively with diverse groups of people or their success in resolving conflicts and building consensus.

Testing for culture fit is an important part of the hiring process. It helps to ensure that new hires will be able to work well with their colleagues, fit in with the company's values and goals, and be motivated to contribute to the company's success. By testing for culture fit, companies can increase their chances of hiring team members who will be successful in their roles and contribute to the success of the team and organization.

Kaitlin Perez is the Global TA Manager at Boldr. She is passionate about helping people find jobs that improve their lives, as well as helping their communities to grow and succeed.